Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Marathon. A long, long way to run.

Santa Cruz Endurance Spring Marathon Project is coming to its exciting conclusion. Members have been teaming up with each other logging epic miles in preparation for three main target races coming up in the next month. A straw poll of members two weekends ago showed long runs totaling over 250 miles for the team. Running coach Aaron Jacobsen provided expert advice at interval training on Thursday nights and team long runs on Sundays.

Race Previews
L.A. Marathon - March 20

Laura Reyes Durazo and Leslie Haverstock will be racing and Cari Martin will be out on the course on a training run. You can track them here on race day.

Oakland Marathon - March 27

Martin Spierings, Monica Martinez and Liz Dane will be braving the full marathon. Also making the trip to the half: Gaylia Osterlund, Sam Forde, Shoshanah Orzech, Tedd Siegel, Jenn Betancourt, Carlos Angobaldo, Kelley Puglisi and Aaron (maybe!).

Boston Marathon - April 18 - **Updated 03/22/11**

The oldest, the best. SCE has six qualified athletes racing at Boston. Julie Stockwell, Jennifer Willoughby, Kelley Puglisi, Samantha Forde, Jenn Betancourt, Julian Sunn, Greg Richards and Max Selleck. For the first time SCE will have an Open Womens and Open Mens team entered in the Team Competition which takes the top three fastest times to determine the team champion. You can track the team here.
Boston qualifiers were rewarded for their achievement by having their USATF membership refunded by the club.

Updates will also be available on Facebook Page and Twitter.

All smiles after another track workout
There's still time to join the team and get fit with us for triathlon season and the summer running season. Click here.

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